Monday, February 1, 2010

Statistics on Teenage Drunk Driving

For this website, it focuses on increase awareness on the subject concerning the huge issue that has to do drunk driving. It is said that the average teenage boy will start taking his first drink at the age of 11; for girls it's 13. This is a horrible fact, that this could start to be a proble at such a young age, before they can even drive. Because they start at huge a young age, it is said that all teenagers who start drinking before the age of 15 will be dependent and addicted when they become adults. All this is the starting point and the cause for soon to happen accidents involved with alcohol.
Reading this article increased my understanding of how horrible this problem actually is. Even though this is more oriented toward underaged drinking, that is the first step towards drunk driving. But there is hope, we can prevent this by raising awareness by handing out MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) brochures. By raising awareness, we can make parents and teenagers aware of the consiquences of their choices and realize how those choices can change their lives.


-Teenage drunk driving kills 8 teens everyday
-In alcohol related crashes, 40% are involving teens
-60% of teenage deaths involve alcohol
-3 million teenagers are alcoholics


-Why would teenagers mke these decisions if they know what the results of their actions could be?
-Are they any alcohol rehabs that focus on teenagers and drunk driving?

"Statistics Teenage Drunk Driving." Learn about Alcoholism. .

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