Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prevent Teenage Drunk Driving

This site focuses on how to make a difference, and in this case, it talks about how to prevent drunk driving. There are many injuries that occur because of drunk driving, including, being paralyzed, burned, broken bones, etc. It is devastating that 5,000 parents lose children to this. This article expresses information on the reasoning towards why teenagers make these fatal decisions.. But it ends on a bright note, as it gives ideas and possibilities to make a difference, and ultimately reducing this problem.
I really enjoyed this website/articles, mostly because it gives you a list of ideas of things you can do now to oppose this problem. By doing this, it makes the reader have more hope and feel overall motivated to make a difference against teenage drunk driving. By doing this, I believe this article can and will make a huge difference for people struggling with this problem.
  • 5,000 parents mourn because of teenage drunk driving
  • More than 5 million high school students drink alcohol every month
  • What else can we do to help fight against drunk driving?
  • How do high school students get in the habit of drunk driving, and how can we prevent that?
Hering, Beth. "Prevent Teenage Drunk Driving Accidents."
Charity Guide: Volunteer Opportunities Directory. 01 Feb. 2010 .

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