Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Teenage Drinking

Teenage Drinking is a serious "epidemic" in todays world. When teenagers drink, some likely and possible results and side effects of teenagers drinking alcohol is getting sick, arrested, depression, a car crash and getting behind on school work. No matter how huge the affects are on those who drink alcohol, consiquences with come to those who drink. When teenagers get in car crashes, one out of five of them were result from drunk driving.
I believe this is a great website, because it informed me answers to my questions, such as why teenagers choose to drink, and exactly how huge the affects of alcohol are on teenagers. This is a really informing site, and i really learned a lot from reading it. I only hope that others will feel the same way, because in the end, others learn to go against alcoholism, it will protect others from drunk driving, suicides etc.

  • 50% of senoirs drink every month
  • 80% of senoirs are reported to getting drunk, drinking and driving, and binge drinking
  • With car accidents involving teens 1 out of 5 of them where found with alcohol in their system
  • How can we make the roads a safer place?
  • What can we do, as teenagers, to be more responsible?
Teenage Drinking, Teen Alcohol Abuse, Troubled Teens. 03 Feb. 2010 .

Is Peer Pressure Driving Young Adults to Juvenile Drinking?

    It is the parents' responsibility to ensure in setting a good example for their children, because in doing that it could prevent young adults doing underage drinking. But regardless, peer pressure for teens the main cause for drinking. It is said that if parents don't spend much time around their children, because of work or other reasons, it increases the chances of teenagers going into drinking. In our society today, not many people are aware of the huge problem that involves drinking. Once a teenager starts drinking underage, it will lead to a great chance of drunk driving, with life changing consequences.
    Reading this article it scares me how such simple actions that the parents take, is inflicting their child and possibly moving them to drinking or drugs. Reading this article has me come to the conclusion that it's because of peer pressure teenagers turn to alcohol and because they turn to alcohol, it results in drunk driving. This is a scary thought.

  • Parties unsupervised can easily lead to drinking
  • If parents aren't around their children, those children have a greater chance they'll turn to alcohol or drugs
  • Underage drinking is increasing because  not many laws are created against drinking alcohol
  • How can parents make an affect to be around their teenagers more?
  • What are the laws concerning minors drinking alcohol?
About DWI. 3 Feb. 2010 .

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dangers of Teen Drinking

On this website, it goes on a broader topic of teenage drinking in general, and the dangers with that. These dangers include drunk driving. It is found that 65% of senoirs drink every month. It is very dangerous to drink, because it could lead to drunk driving. 5,000 teenagers under 21 as mostly results form underaged drinking consisting with drunk driving. Also, teenager, who are already new to driving, are more likely to be affected by alcohol with their driving skills. Drivers who drink around the age of 16 to 20 have a higher chance to crash than those who are 21 and older. It is twice more likely for them to crash then those 21.
This is a horrible thought. For me, knowing that those around my age are more likely to crash than those who are older is a scary thought. To know that the chance is very high that those who drink and drive are going to die just leaves no debate whether it's ok to drink or not. Because drinking leads to nothing good. Anything that could happen and is happening is dangerous and could change someones life forever.
-1,900 people under the age of 21 die every year from creashes related to drunk driving.
-For teenagers, getting drunk impears their driving greater than those who are 21 and older
-How many ways are there to prevent drunk driving from occuring?
-What are people doing everyday to prevent drunk driving?

"Dangers of Teen Drinking." We don't Serve Teens. 2 Feb. 2010 .

Teenage Drunk Driving

Teenage drunk driving is a serious issue. It is said that a a fourth of all automobile accidents are caused teenage drunk driving. In this article it goes into detail on the affects of teenage drunk driving is on society. In the United States alone, one teenager is killed every hour from teenage drunk driving. Drunk driving is a huge threat on the road, and may end with the deaths of innocent people who where at the wrong place and the wrong time. As the risk of minors drunk driving increases, the laws in each state increases, as they have applaid a zero tolerence laws that are harsh towards minors who make these decisions.
Reading this article I have no doubt that any way you look at the concept of drunk driving, there is no up side. So many consiquences follow these actions, if it isn't dying, getting seriously injured, injuring or killing someone innocent, it's recieving the consiquences for breaking the law. Looking at this there is no question to whether you should choose to drink or not. Because it all starts there. After you drink you are not able to be accountable for your choices of what could happen when you get in a car.
-Car accidents is the leading cause of death for people in within the age of 15 and 20
-Most states have a zero tolerence laws toward minors and drunk driving
-70% of teenagers consume alcohol before the age of 21
-What are the laws against drunk driving that have to do with minors?
-Why is it that students still choose to drink and drive, when they know all the risks involved with their actions?

"Teenage Drunk Driving." ONline Lawyer Source. 2 Mar. 2010 .

Monday, February 1, 2010

Results from Drunk Driving

In this article, it talks about how two teenagers who died in a drunk driving accident just recently here in San Diego. It continues on to explain how friends offered to give their friend a ride, but instead she drove, thus resulting in her death. An advocate for MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) explains how the MADD program is doing all in their power to help prevent DUI's, saying they are "100% preventable." It is said that around 6 fatal teenage drunk driving accidents occur every year.
This article is a very emotional story, because it displays how real this topic on drunk driving is. In addition the information given in how we can easily prevent DUI's is really helpful for all teenagers. I believe that stories like these are what teenagers need to hear to realize how horrible the results of drunk driving are.

  • San Diego County holds 10% of the amount of accidents caused by teenagers DUI's within California
  • Since September, 9 fatal crashes occured involving 15-21 year olds
  • What is the difference in amount of crashes involving DUI's between teenagers and adults?
  • How can teenagers help their friends from getting in these accidents?
"Crashes kill two teens, part of grim trend -" San Diego News, Local, California and National News - 02 Feb. 2010 .

Statistics on Teenage Drunk Driving

For this website, it focuses on increase awareness on the subject concerning the huge issue that has to do drunk driving. It is said that the average teenage boy will start taking his first drink at the age of 11; for girls it's 13. This is a horrible fact, that this could start to be a proble at such a young age, before they can even drive. Because they start at huge a young age, it is said that all teenagers who start drinking before the age of 15 will be dependent and addicted when they become adults. All this is the starting point and the cause for soon to happen accidents involved with alcohol.
Reading this article increased my understanding of how horrible this problem actually is. Even though this is more oriented toward underaged drinking, that is the first step towards drunk driving. But there is hope, we can prevent this by raising awareness by handing out MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) brochures. By raising awareness, we can make parents and teenagers aware of the consiquences of their choices and realize how those choices can change their lives.


-Teenage drunk driving kills 8 teens everyday
-In alcohol related crashes, 40% are involving teens
-60% of teenage deaths involve alcohol
-3 million teenagers are alcoholics


-Why would teenagers mke these decisions if they know what the results of their actions could be?
-Are they any alcohol rehabs that focus on teenagers and drunk driving?

"Statistics Teenage Drunk Driving." Learn about Alcoholism. .