Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prevent Teenage Drunk Driving

This site focuses on how to make a difference, and in this case, it talks about how to prevent drunk driving. There are many injuries that occur because of drunk driving, including, being paralyzed, burned, broken bones, etc. It is devastating that 5,000 parents lose children to this. This article expresses information on the reasoning towards why teenagers make these fatal decisions.. But it ends on a bright note, as it gives ideas and possibilities to make a difference, and ultimately reducing this problem.
I really enjoyed this website/articles, mostly because it gives you a list of ideas of things you can do now to oppose this problem. By doing this, it makes the reader have more hope and feel overall motivated to make a difference against teenage drunk driving. By doing this, I believe this article can and will make a huge difference for people struggling with this problem.
  • 5,000 parents mourn because of teenage drunk driving
  • More than 5 million high school students drink alcohol every month
  • What else can we do to help fight against drunk driving?
  • How do high school students get in the habit of drunk driving, and how can we prevent that?
Hering, Beth. "Prevent Teenage Drunk Driving Accidents."
Charity Guide: Volunteer Opportunities Directory. 01 Feb. 2010 .

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Teen Drunk Driving

In this article, it explains the legal risks involved when teenagers drink and drive. Not only does drinking and driving cause around 3 thousand deaths of teenagers every year, it is a danger to others as well. The consequences of these actions when caught with any amount of alcohol in their system is to be taken into police custody and charged with a DUI. It is illegal to sell alcohol to minors, but this still occurs, which brings fatal mistakes. On top of that, the most dangerous drivers are of the age of 18, and if they drink alcohol, this makes it more than obvious that drinking while driving, is dangerous towards others, and yourself.
When I read this, these ideas shocked me, especially when i heard that it's illegal to sell alcohol to minors, but people still do it. When learning this, it's obvious to me that whatever way you look at drinking, there is no good side to it. But the hope that I have is that whenever anyone learns about the tragedies that come with drinking and driving, they will increase their responsibility towards choosing whether or not to drink.
  • More than 3,000 teenagers die every year from injuries caused by DUI
  • 70% of teenagers have consumed alcohol, wine, beer, or liquor
  • 18 year olds have the highest crash rate in the nation
  • Teenagers found with any amount of alcohol will be taken into custody and charged with a DUI
  • Why is it that adults sell alcohol illegally to teenagers, when they know the risks involved?
  • How can we make the roads a safer place, with all the dangers involved?
  • What can teenagers do to be safer drivers?
Teen Drunk Driving." DUI Lawyers. Talk To a DUI Lawyer. DWI Defense | 30 Jan. 2010 .

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Teenage Drunk Driving and Risks Involved

It is a tragic fact that many teenagers die everyday because of simple mistakes of driving while under the influence of alcohol. It is horrifying that something easily preventable is killing too many people everyday. Most of the accidents are caused by people in the age group of 15 to 24. This is a scary fact, since it includes teenagers as the ones that get in the accidents the most. This happens mostly because of peer pressure, because its "cool" and makes you "popular" to get drunk and drive. Driving drunk is a horrible issue in the world today, but it can easily be prevented by raising awareness and getting teenagers and adults involved to do everything in their power to stop this problem.

When I learned all about how most of the accidents caused are around the age of minors really made me realize how horrible the affects of drinking are, especially for those who are new to driving all together. Looking through the perspective of a teenager, it's understandable the peer pressure involved with drinking and driving, but we, as teenagers, need to stand up for what we know is right and not like the ideas of others manipulate us to do something we might regret.

  • 70% of teenagers drink alcohol
  • 60% of teenage deaths are caused by accidents involving alcohol
  • Most alcohol involved accidents are caused within the age group 15-24
  • What can we do know as adults or teenagers to decrease the rate of the number of those who drink while driving?
  • Why do people choose to drink and drive when the know the possible consequences involved with that?
"Teenage Drunk Driving." FirstEagle Insurance Services Inc. - Brokerage Agency. The First Eagle Insurance Services. Web. 27 Jan. 2010. .

Underaged Drinking and Driving

My partner and I have dicided to focus on underaged drinking and driving. We chose to focus on this aspect of drinking and driving, because it is a huge tragedy when teenagers have died because of driving under the influence of alcohol. I also believe it's horrible that teenagers, who are in the beginning of their lives have died because of these simple, yet fatal mistakes of drinking, and then driving. The overall question we want to investigate while doing this project is: Why do teenages drink and drive, and how can it be prevented?